Spiders Teaching Ideas, Activities, Lessons, and Printables


Resources @ A to Z

spiders printable counting book  Spiders Printable Counting Book – This book can be illustrated by the student so the number of spiders on the page matches the text. Use spider rubber stamps, spider stickers, or hand-drawn spiders to complete the book.  Pre-K 1-2

Spider Printables – A collection of printables including spider facts, tongue twister, and printable spider counting book.  Grades K-2.

Spiders @ Little Giraffes Teaching Ideas – Spider activities, poems/songs, art ideas, and more including photos of classroom activities.

Spider Tea Cakes – Miss Spiders Tea Party – Students will assemble a spider tea cake by counting out their objects and following directions.  Preschool.

The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle – Listen to a story about spiders and make a spider and a web. Grades 1-2.

Resources @ Other Sites

  Spiders Coloring Pages and Activities     – Free Spiders Coloring Sheets and Printables. www.firstschool.ws Grade Level Pre-K

The Spider’s Life Cycle  Part of a larger unit on spiders, this lesson provides cross-curricular activities for the life cycle.
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

 Sparkly Spider Webs 

A hands on Activity that is perfect for building motor skills. www.cutinybites.com Grade Level-Pre-school

Spiders- Spiders don’t get Stuck  –Ages 3-6 – Learn how spiders keep from getting caught in their own webs.
Grade Level(s): Preschool 

W for Spider Web Craft

Students create a cool spider Web surrounding the letter, “W,” by painting with marbles. www.mamaslikeme.com Grade Level(s) : K, 1-2

Spider Gliders
Directions for making a spider glider including helpful illustrations. www.sci.us.mn.us Grade Level(s): K, 1-2

Spiders Unit
This 7 lesson unit on spiders integrates science, math, and language arts. sedl.org  Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

Insects and Spiders Coloring Pages
Several coloring pages for creepy crawlies.  first-school.ws Grade Level(s): Preschool, K, 1-2

Insects and Spiders Preschool Activities and Crafts
Printable crafts and activities for insects and spiders.  first-school.ws Grade Level(s): Preschool, K


Missouri Spiders
Facts and photos from the MO Dept. of Conservation  www.mdc.mo.gov Grade Level(s): 3-5, 6-8


Old Sites Archived at Archive.org 

I Love Spiders – Inside Kindergarten
Lots of fun learning activities for spiders
Grade Level(s): K


Spiders Thematic Unit
I love doing this unit before Halloween! There are so many fun activities to do whether you like spiders or not! Come find songs, games, poems, and activities to add to your spider unit!
Grade Level(s): K

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