Apples Lesson Plans, Activities, Printables, and Teaching Ideas


Free Printables @ A to Z


Apple Opposites Mini File Folder Game
Match the words on the apples on the mat with the correct opposite apple cards.

Second Grade Dolch Sight Words Tracing Flashcards

Printable Apple Writing Practice
Printable apple writing practice page with handwriting lines.

Printable Apple Pattern
You can choose from two versions of this apple pattern: Apple Pattern With Lines Apple Pattern Without Lines

Apples Lowercase Alphabet
Printable apple lowercase alphabet. 8 per page with blanks included. Choose from color or black and white.

Apple Desk Tags / Nameplates
Printable apple nameplates in color or black and white.

Apple Faces & Feelings Printable Book

Printables @ Other Sites

Apple Printables at
Printable activity sheets with an apple theme.

Lesson Plans, Activities & Ideas

An Apple a Day (K-3)
Students learn about apples, then help create a bulletin board for the classroom.

Apple Commercials (2-4)
Students learn about apples, then make a commercial.

Apple Exploration! (K-2)
Find several center station activities for a theme on apples and Johnny Appleseed

Apple Facts – Student Created Bulletin Board  (1-4) 
A bulletin board activity that shows what students know about apples.

Apple Fractions (1-4) 
Students learn about fractions using different apple varieties.

Apple Graphing (K-2)
Students will make graphs about apple preferences.

Apple Words (K-4) 
Students use letters to make words.

Apples and Counting (PreK-K)
Using the apple theme to learn how to count.

Apples and Seasons (K-2) 
Use the apple tree, and The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons to teach seasonal changes.

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World (K-2) 
Reinforces map skills, counting, and following directions. Students will love this book and activity.

Johnny Appleseed Day Research Activity (2-4) 
Students research, then create a holiday for a special person.

Johnny Appleseed for Little Ones Theme Unit (PreK-K)
Three day theme unit featuring activities and ideas for all areas of the curriculum.

Apples @ Pinterest

Follow A to Z Teacher Stuff’s board teaching: apples on Pinterest.

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