Mother’s Day Gift Ideas, Activities & Printables


 Free Printables  & Activities @ A to Z

Mother’s Day Coupon Book
This printable coupon book for kids to give to Mom on Mother’s Day includes cleaning house, washing the dishes, unlimited hugs, blank coupons to be filled in, etc.

Keepsake Handprint Poem
“When I Was Very Small” – Poem is provided in kid-style font… just add the handprint! — Great for gift giving: Grandparents, Moms and Dads, Aunts and Uncles, ETC!

Mother’s Day Activities @ Little Giraffes
Photos and ideas for Mother’s Day: cookbook, coupon book, flowerpot, cards, crafts, and more.

Mother’s Day Gift
Moms will love this special keepsake made out of a child’s outgrown shoe.

*FREE* Mother’s Day Teapot Card Pattern
This free pattern packet includes an original teapot card pattern, tea cup pattern with writing and without, and a direction sheet including a photograph of the sample!

Mother’s Day Ideas @ Other Sites

Mother’s Day Crafts
Printable crafts. Many use toilet paper rolls. Source:

Mother’s Day Butterfly and Poem
Children make a handprint butterfly accompanied by a poem to give to Mom.  Source:

Kindergarten Island Fever Mother’s Day Celebration
Complete description of the celebration from invitations to food to song lyrics.  Source:

Mother’s Day Crafts
Bloomin’ Door Stop, Sunflower Pin Cushion, Helping Hands for Mom, more. Source:

Triple Fridge Clip
Keep your refrigerator organized with this special gift for Mom, Grandma, Auntie or Dad!  Source:

Mother’s Day Art & Craft Ideas @

My Mother’s Day Pins @ Pinterest

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