Chicken Life Cycle Teaching Resources


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Activities & Printables @ A to Z

Oviparous Animals @ Little Giraffes
Cross-curricular activities for studying about eggs and oviparous animals.  Lots of photos!

Resources @ Other Sites

“Eggs”tra Special Eggs
Activities for science, art, centers, language arts, poems and pocket charts, and more!

Chicken and Hen Theme
Chick, chicken, hen, and egg printables, crafts, and activities.

Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones Unit
Activities for Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones.

Chicks and Eggs: Beginning Embryology for Primary Students
Using this SMART Board file, students will be able to learn about the development of a chick in the egg and how it hatches from the egg.

Embryology: The 21 Day Chicken Life Cycle
Illustrations, photos, and very thorough explanations of the development of a chick.

Incubation and Embryology
Dozens of lesson plans and printable activity sheets for learning about chickens and eggs.

It Started As An Egg Literature Unit
Five days of activities including photos.

Look Who’s Hatching
Several science activities for incubating eggs and hatching chicks.

The Baby Chick Hatchery
Watch this video to see baby chicks hatch!

With a chick, chick here…!
Peek inside this kindergarten classroom as they waited for their baby ducks to hatch.

 Hatching Chicks with Free Printable for Chick Project

One Response to Chicken Life Cycle Teaching Resources

  1. Suzan April 4, 2012 at 1:11 am #

    Thanks SO much for showing interest in our hatching activities! I’m honored that you would visit my humble, little blog! Thanks again.

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