Resources and lesson plans for the Five Senses (Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, and Touch).
Benchmarks for Science Literacy (K-2):
- People use their senses to find out about their surroundings and themselves. Different senses give different information.
Resources @ Other Sites
Activity Idea Place: Five Senses
Activities for art, math/science/games, and songs & group time for a 5 senses theme.
Making Sense Of Your Senses
PDF format – A ten-day unit for kindergarten that introduces the scientific topic of the five senses.
My Five Senses: Learning About My World
PDF Format – This unit provides kindergartners with a comprehensive exposure to their five senses and how these senses help them learn about their world.
Our Five Senses
Ages 3-6 – Have a day for each sense to discuss and create projects.
School Rooms
As children play the School Rooms game, they reinforce their understanding of commonly used school terms in a fun, noncompetitive atmosphere. They also build awareness that their senses are constantly gathering information to help them navigate through the world around them.
Senses – Seed-n-Feed
Ages 3-6 – sensory table activity.
Senses – Smelling Bee
Ages 3-6 – Children guess what scent is in each container.
Senses – The Touching Game
Ages 3-6 – Children identify objects by touching.
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