Poetry Teaching Ideas, Activities, Lessons, and Printables


April is National Poetry Month

Free Poetry Teaching Resources @ A to Z

Poetry Notebooks / Journals
Ideas from the discussion forum about using poetry notebooks or poetry journals.

Introduction to Poetry
I use this activity as an introduction to poetry. Music is a wonderful medium to helping students appreciate poetry and poetic devices.  Grades 6-8

Season Fairies Get Sacked
This activity is to encourage poetry writing. Aaaaggghhh! No, it really works…. honest!  Grades 6-8

Using Creative Dramatics With the Teaching of Poetry
To help students develop an appreciation for poetry. Also, this activity will assist students in the process of creating meaning from poetry.  Grades 3-5

Poetry Teaching Ideas & Lessons @ Other Sites

I Love Poems
When you visit, be sure to check the menu at the right for all the ideas.  Includes poem of the week, poems everywhere, poem pointers, poetry corner, poems for your pocket, and so much more. Source: drjean.org

National Poetry Month Lessons and Printables
Choose from online events with published poets, classroom activities, writing opportunities, and various other poetry resources to help you plan a unit.
Source: scholastic.com Grades: K-2

Parts of Speech Poetry
Students learn to rewrite poetry using synonyms. Source: teachers.net Grades: 3-5

Poetry Lessons for Teachers and Students
27 lessons for a unit on poetry. Source: volweb.utk.edu Grades: 6-8

Focus Poetry
Using poetry journals and focusing daily on poetry in a kindergarten classroom. Source: thekcrew.net Grades: K-1

Poetry Printables
Various poetry printables for a poetry unit.  Source: abcteach.com Grades K-6

A huge poetry resource site includes ideas for teaching and poems to read, but there is so much more.

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