Easter Activities & Teaching Ideas Theme


This page features Easter activities, lessons, printables, crafts, and more.

When is Easter?

Easter Sunday varies according to the full moon that occurs after March 21. It is the first Sunday after that full moon.

Free Easter Printables @ A to Z

Easter Resources About Jesus

ABC Jesus Loves Me Easter Ideas
Several activity ideas, recipes, and resources. One idea relates the caterpillar to butterfly as a symbol of Jesus’ resurrection.

Easter Verse & Activities
Printables for Matthew 28:6a and a tomb craft.  Includes a video for a cute song to sing the verse: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”

Songs 4 Teachers – Easter Songs (PDF File)
Two songs set to familiar tunes: “Easter Time” is about Jesus.  songs4teachers.com

Resurrection Eggs Activity
Ideas for using Resurrection Eggs plus printable pages for creating your own.

The Resurrection of Jesus Printable Puzzle Craft
Includes the story, printables pages, a craft, and another activity for creating an Easter greeting card for friends and family.  www.first-school.ws

Christian Easter Activities
Printables crafts and pages for including Jesus in your Easter activities.  www.dltk-bible.com

Secular Easter Resources

Some of these resources may have a mix of Christian activities.

Easter Teaching Ideas @ Little Giraffes
Photos and activity ideas for literacy, math, art, science, and more.

Art, science, songs, and games.  123child.com

Creative Chemistry Egg Races
Three egg race activities: Balloon Rockets, Build a Lighthouse, and Firewriting.  www.creative-chemistry.org.uk

Easter bunny, chicks, eggs.  www.dltk-kids.com

Easter Basket
Students make an easter basket from a bleach jug.  www.lessonplanspage.com

Easter Crafts
Tie Dye Eggs, “He is Risen” Hanger, coloring pages, Dinosaur Egg Hunt, Back Pack Eggs, Chicks in a Nest, Bunny Yarn Bug, Bean Bag Chick, Easy Easter Basket, Easter Bonnet, Flowered Basket, Easter Friends, Bunny Basket, and Dot Art.  makingfriends.com

Easter Unit
Find a multitude of printable pages for planning lessons.  abcteach.com

Printable Easter Coloring Pages
Printable Easter coloring pages.  www.freekidscoloring.com

Billy Bear’s Happy Easter
Games, coloring book pages, online games, clipart  www.billybear4kids.com

Kid’s Domain Easter Time
Downloads, online games, ecards, printables.  www.kidsdomain.com

Easter Songs & Poems
Songs about Easter and the Easter Bunny.   www.canteach.ca

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