Camping Activities, Lessons, Printables, and Teaching Ideas


Free Camping Activities, Printables, and Teaching Ideas

Camping Theme
Songs, art, books, games, science, coloring pages, and more.

Camping Theme
Songs & Fingerplays, Arts & Crafts, Recipes, Theme Ideas, and More.

Camping Theme
Songs and Poems, books, cross-curricular activities, and forest animal teaching ideas.

Camping Theme Activities
A handful of ideas for a camping theme.

Camping Theme
4-page PDF with camping ideas for the following centers: dramatic play, block, art, math, reading, sand, science and writing.

Camping Coloring Pages
More than 20 coloring pages for a camping theme.

Recipes for Camping
Campfire Chicken Packets, Campfire Conies, Campfire Doughnuts, Campfire Eclaire, Campfire Ham Packets, Campfire Hobo Packets, Campfire Popcorn, Frozen Campfire Chicken, S’MORES

TP Roll Campfire Craft
Make a campfire using TP rolls, tissue paper, paper plate, paint and glue.

Printables for Backyard Camping
Includes emergent reader, sight word printables, picture cards, cut-aparts, and more.

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