Constitution Day & Constitution Week Activities, Printables, Lesson Plans, and Resources


The United States Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787.  A federal law requires public schools to teach Constitution lessons the week of September 17.


Lesson Plans and Printables

Constitutional Rights Foundation Lesson Plans (K-12) | Lesson Plan Collection
A collection of lesson plans for all grade levels.

Lessons for Constitution Day (K-12) | Lesson Plan Collection
Has lesson plans for all grade levels.

Teaching the Constitution (K-12) | Lesson Plan Collection
Has lesson and activity ideas for all grade levels – organized by subject and grade level. Also includes resource information.

Constitution Day Preamble Lesson (K-1) | Lesson Plan
Uses the book, We the Kids, to present the preamble in a visual form.

Constitution Day Writing Printables (K-6) | Printables
Lined and blank journal writing pages with Constitution graphics.

Constitution Day Printables (K-5) | Printables
KWL, Preamble, word game, and more.

Constitution Day Worksheets and Printables (1-5) | Printables
Word puzzles, cloze worksheets, word jumbles, and more.

The Preamble to the Constitution: How Do You Make a More Perfect Union? (3-5) | Lesson Plan
A 3-lesson unit in which students will learn the purposes of the U.S. Constitution and the fundamental values and principles as they are expressed in the Preamble.

Why Celebrate Constitution Day? (9-12) | Lesson Plan
This lesson includes an editorial commemorating Constitution Day. The reading examines two competing schools of constitutional interpretation and explains the philosophical basis of the Constitution. Discussion questions follow the reading.

Resource and Information Sites

Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution (3-12) | Resource
Chart compares some of the provisions of the Articles of Confederation with those in the Constitution.

Congress for Kids – The Constitution (3-8) | Resource
This section covers the history of the Constitution of the United States. It includes information about the writing the Constitution, the Great Compromise, the Constitution’s signers, the Bill of Rights, the Amendments to the Constitution and what they mean to Americans, and much more.

Constitution Day Wiki (K-12) | Resource
A listing of links to lessons and activities for Constitution Day. Wiki started by wig, a member @ the A to Z Teacher Stuff Forums. | Resource
Resource site includes lots of information for learning about the Constitution.

Roadmap to the Constitution (3-8) | Resource
This site is dedicated to providing students of all kinds with knowledge of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Teaching With Documents: Observing Constitution Day (3-12) | Resource
The National Archives and Records Administration celebrates this important day in our nation’s history by providing activities, lesson plans, and information.

The United States Constitution (K-12) | Resource
The entire text of the Constitution.

The Making of the Constitution (K-12)| Resource
This resource examines the causes, difficulties, and results of the Constitutional Convention, the Bill of Rights, and more. for Kids – The Constitution (K-5) | Resource
Facts, games, and resources for learning about the Constitution.


We the Kids: The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States

by David Catrow



A More Perfect Union: The Story of Our Constitution

by Betsy Maestro



 Shh! We’re Writing the Constitution

by Jean Fritz




Follow A to Z’s board teaching: constitution day on Pinterest.

2 Responses to Constitution Day & Constitution Week Activities, Printables, Lesson Plans, and Resources

  1. Barry A September 15, 2011 at 3:29 pm #

    “A federal law requires public schools to teach Constitution lessons the week of September 17.”

    Lol, isn’t that federal law unconstitutional?

    • Amanda September 15, 2011 at 4:12 pm #

      I think the key word is “public” schools, Barry! :-)

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