Fire Safety & Fire Prevention Week Activities, Teaching Ideas, Lessons


Fire Prevention Week is observed during the week in which October 9th falls.

 Teaching Ideas

Fire Safety Teaching Ideas (Preschool-1)
Photos and activity ideas, snacks, crafts, and songs.

Free Fire Safety Booklet Fire Safety Week and Free Printable Booklet

by Teaching Mama





Fire Prevention Week Printable Activities (Preschool-1)
Coloring pages, crafts, party hats, and more.

Fire Safety Ideas (Preschool)
Songs and fingerplays, center ideas, and more.

Fire Safety Crafts (Preschool-1)
A handful of projects to complete: fire trucks, 911 collage, fires

Fire Safety Snacks (Preschool-1)
Fire-themed snacks: cookies, milkshake, and more.

Escape Planning Lesson (Preschool-2)
Identify what to do in case of a fire and develop an escape plan.  Includes a printable escape maze, escape plan diagram, and other printable pages.

Home Fire Safety Lesson (Preschool-2)
Identify fire hazards in the home and the importance of correcting them.

Smoke Alarms Lesson (Preschool-2)
Identify purpose of smoke alarms, where they should be installed, and why they should be kept in working order.

Downloadable Graphics and Coloring Book for Fire Prevention Week
Graphics, Jr. Fire Marshall Certificate, and coloring book.

Fire Safety Songs (Preschool-1)
A whole page full of songs and poems

Sparky the Fire Dog
An interactive website with downloadable pages and activities for kids to view a story about Sparky, explore a fire truck, view a fire truck gallery,  and more.

Sesame Street Fire Safety Station
This kit must be ordered.  Free for preschool classrooms.  This activity book and the accompanying CD of songs and stories helps educators reach preschoolers with simple, memorable fire safety messages.

 Fire Safety @ Pinterest

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